Friday, July 16, 2010

Creating a Persona and a Scenario.

Thursday was panned in a way to do the remaining research and create fictitious stories on the life of that person.

I could make the stories after i sat in front of the shop and could relate the fictitious character i was making to the actual life of that person.
I used the character of the person and his most important asset to build up the story.

The stories will be posted in the blogs further.

My day plan for tomorrow will be starting at 9 and visiting all the possible shops which can help me get these different ways which the owners have innovated to make earning simpler.

What was learnt out of this was how a person in the this kind of business fall in an intense situation or what could go wrong in business at a small point which would further lead to bigger financial problems. Also it helped to think from the point of view of the subject. Observing is just one part of the research but playing the role of that person and thinking from his point of view takes it even further.

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